Lab Publications

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Retuning of hippocampal representations during sleep Kourosh Maboudi, Bapun Giri, Hiroyuki Miyawaki, Caleb Kemere, Kamran Diba. Nature 2024. [LINK]   [PDF]
Extended Poisson Gaussian-Process Latent Variable Model for Unsupervised Neural Decoding Della Daiyi Luo, Bapun Giri, Kamran Diba, Caleb Kemere. Neural Computation 2024. [LINK]   [PDF]
A 36nW CMOS Temperature Sensor with \textless0.1K Inaccuracy and Uniform Resolution Wei Wang, Liwen Jiang, Shayok Dutta, Yumin Su, Zhiyu Chen, Zhanghao Yu, Caleb Kemere, Kaiyuan Yang. in 2023 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology and Circuits (VLSI Technology and Circuits) 2023. [LINK]   [PDF]
The neural basis of mental navigation in rats Michael E. Coulter, Caleb Kemere. Science 2023. [LINK]   [PDF]
In vivo lensless microscopy via a phase mask generating diffraction patterns with high-contrast contours Jesse K. Adams, Dong Yan, Jimin Wu, Vivek Boominathan, Sibo Gao, Alex V. Rodriguez, Soonyoung Kim, Jennifer Carns, Rebecca Richards-Kortum, Caleb Kemere, Ashok Veeraraghavan, Jacob T. Robinson. Nature Biomedical Engineering 2022. [LINK]   [PDF]
Evaluation of Aerosol Particle Leak and Standard Surgical Mask Fit With 3 Elastomeric Harness Designs Jeannette Ingabire, Hannah McKenney, Charles Sebesta, Krishna Badhiwala, Caleb Kemere, Sahil Kapur, Jacob T. Robinson. JAMA Network Open 2022. [LINK]   [PDF]
Projections and the Potential Societal Impact of the Future of Neurotechnologies Kate S. Gaudry, Hasan Ayaz, Avery Bedows, Pablo Celnik, David Eagleman, Pulkit Grover, Judy Illes, Rajesh P. N. Rao, Jacob T. Robinson, Krishnan Thyagarajan, The Working Group on Brain-Interfacing Devices in 2040. Frontiers in Neuroscience 2021. [LINK]   [PDF]
Editorial: Towards the Next Generation of Deep Brain Stimulation Therapies: Technological Advancements, Computational Methods, and New Targets Sabato Santaniello, George C. McConnell, John T. Gale, Rose T. Faghih, Caleb Kemere, Justin D. Hilliard, Martin Han. Frontiers in Neuroscience 2021. [LINK]   [PDF]
GhostiPy: An Efficient Signal Processing and Spectral Analysis Toolbox for Large Data Joshua P. Chu, Caleb T. Kemere. eneuro 2021. [LINK]   [PDF]
A framework to identify structured behavioral patterns within rodent spatial trajectories Francesco Donnarumma, Roberto Prevete, Domenico Maisto, Simone Fuscone, Emily M. Irvine, Matthijs A. A. Van Der Meer, Caleb Kemere, Giovanni Pezzulo. Scientific Reports 2021. [LINK]   [PDF]
In vivo fluorescence imaging with a flat, lensless microscope Jesse K. Adams, Vivek Boominathan, Sibo Gao, Alex V. Rodriguez, Dong Yan, Caleb Kemere, Ashok Veeraraghavan, Jacob T. Robinson. 2020. [LINK]   [PDF]
Sputtered porous Pt for wafer-scale manufacture of low-impedance flexible microelectrodes Bo Fan, Alexander V. Rodriguez, Daniel G. Vercosa, Caleb Kemere, Jacob T. Robinson. Journal of Neural Engineering 2020. [LINK]   [PDF]
Tracing a Path for Memory in the Hippocampus Shayok Dutta, Sibo Gao, Joshua P. Chu, Caleb Kemere. Neuron 2020. [LINK]   [PDF]
Magnetoelectric Materials for Miniature, Wireless Neural Stimulation at Therapeutic Frequencies Amanda Singer, Shayok Dutta, Eric Lewis, Ziying Chen, Joshua C. Chen, Nishant Verma, Benjamin Avants, Ariel K. Feldman, John O’Malley, Michael Beierlein, Caleb Kemere, Jacob T. Robinson. 2020. [LINK]   [PDF]
Progress and issues in second-order analysis of hippocampal replay Matthijs A. A. van der Meer, Caleb Kemere, Kamran Diba. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 2020. [LINK]   [PDF]
Novel Virtual Reality System for Auditory Tasks in Head-fixed Mice Sibo Gao, James Webb, Zakir Mridha, Anton Banta, Caleb Kemere, Matthew McGinley. in 2020 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC) 2020. [LINK]   [PDF]
Magnetoelectric Materials for Miniature, Wireless Neural Stimulation at Therapeutic Frequencies Amanda Singer, Shayok Dutta, Eric Lewis, Ziying Chen, Joshua C. Chen, Nishant Verma, Benjamin Avants, Ariel K. Feldman, John O’Malley, Michael Beierlein, Caleb Kemere, Jacob T. Robinson. Neuron 2020. [LINK]   [PDF]
Developing Next-Generation Brain Sensing Technologies—A Review Jacob T. Robinson, Eric Pohlmeyer, Malte C. Gather, Caleb Kemere, John E. Kitching, George G. Malliaras, Adam Marblestone, Kenneth L. Shepard, Thomas Stieglitz, Chong Xie. IEEE Sensors Journal 2019.   [PDF]
Analysis of an open source, closed-loop, realtime system for hippocampal sharp-wave ripple disruption Shayok Dutta, Etienne Ackermann, Caleb Kemere. Journal of Neural Engineering 2019. [LINK]   [PDF]
Enhanced Image Sensor Module for Head-Mounted Microscopes J. Juneau, G. Duret, J. T. Robinson, C. Kemere. in Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference 2018.  
Fluidic Microactuation of Flexible Electrodes for Neural Recording Flavia Vitale, Daniel G. Vercosa, Alexander V. Rodriguez, Sushma Sri Pamulapati, Frederik Seibt, Eric Lewis, J. Stephen Yan, Krishna Badhiwala, Mohammed Adnan, Gianni Royer-Carfagni, Michael Beierlein, Caleb Kemere, Matteo Pasquali, Jacob T. Robinson. Nano Letters 2018. [LINK]   [PDF]
Uncovering temporal structure in hippocampal output patterns Kourosh Maboudi, Etienne Ackermann, Laurel Watkins De Jong, Brad E Pfeiffer, David Foster, Kamran Diba, Caleb Kemere. eLife 2018. [LINK]   [PDF]
Latent variable models for hippocampal sequence analysis Etienne Ackermann, Caleb Kemere, Kourosh Maboudi, Kamran Diba. in 2017 51st Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers 2017. [LINK]   [PDF]
Hippocampal awake replay in fear memory retrieval Chun-Ting Wu, Daniel Haggerty, Caleb Kemere, Daoyun Ji. Nature Neuroscience 2017. [LINK]   [PDF]
Internally generated hippocampal sequences as a vantage point to probe future-oriented cognition: Hippocampal sequences and future-oriented cognition Giovanni Pezzulo, Caleb Kemere, Matthijs A.A. van der Meer. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2017. [LINK]   [PDF]
Deep imaging in scattering media with selective plane illumination microscopy Adithya Kumar Pediredla, Shizheng Zhang, Ben Avants, Fan Ye, Shin Nagayama, Ziying Chen, Caleb Kemere, Jacob T. Robinson, Ashok Veeraraghavan. Journal of Biomedical Optics 2016. [LINK]   [PDF]
Scoring sequences of hippocampal activity using hidden Markov models Etienne Ackermann, Caleb Kemere. in 2016 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) 2016. [LINK]   [PDF]
Mulitchannel real time spike sorting for decoding ripple sequences Ankit Sethi, Caleb T. Kemere. in 2015 7th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER) 2015. [LINK]   [PDF]
Neural Stimulation and Recording with Bidirectional, Soft Carbon Nanotube Fiber Microelectrodes Flavia Vitale, Samantha R. Summerson, Behnaam Aazhang, Caleb Kemere, Matteo Pasquali. ACS Nano 2015. [LINK]   [PDF]
Multi-electrode Recording of Neural Activity in Awake Behaving Animals Samantha Summerson, Caleb Kemere. in Basic Electrophysiological Methods 2015.  
Investigating irregularly patterned deep brain stimulation signal design using biophysical models Samantha R. Summerson, Behnaam Aazhang, Caleb Kemere. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 2015. [LINK]   [PDF]
Quantifying Recording Quality in In Vivo Striatal Recordings Danielle M. Friend, Caleb Kemere, Alexxai V. Kravitz. Current Protocols in Neuroscience 2015. [LINK]   [PDF]
Randomized stimulation signal design to create partial informational lesions in parkinsonian neuronal networks Samantha R. Summerson, Charlie Grealish, Behnaam Aazhang, Caleb T. Kemere. in 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2014. [LINK]   [PDF]
Characterizing Motor and Cognitive Effects Associated With Deep Brain Stimulation in the GPi of Hemi-Parkinsonian Rats Samantha R. Summerson, Behnaam Aazhang, Caleb T. Kemere. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 2014. [LINK]   [PDF]
Real time algorithms for sharp wave ripple detection Ankit Sethi, Caleb Kemere. in 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 2014. [LINK]   [PDF]
Behavioral effects of disrupted direct pathway signal flow caused by dopamine depletion Samantha R Summerson, Behnaam Aazhang, Caleb T Kemere. BMC Neuroscience 2013. [LINK]   [PDF]
Current amplitude-dependent modulation of rotational behavior with GPi stimulation in the rodent model of Parkinson's Disease Samantha R. Summerson, Caleb T. Kemere, Behnaam Aazhang. in 2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) 2013. [LINK]   [PDF]
Rapid and Continuous Modulation of Hippocampal Network State during Exploration of New Places Caleb Kemere, Margaret F. Carr, Mattias P. Karlsson, Loren M. Frank. PLoS ONE 2013. [LINK]   [PDF]
Awake Hippocampal Sharp-Wave Ripples Support Spatial Memory S. P. Jadhav, C. Kemere, P. W. German, L. M. Frank. Science 2012. [LINK]   [PDF]
Optogenetic control of hippocampal neurons in behaving rats using ChR2 Caleb Kemere, Feng Zhang, Karl Deisseroth, Loren M Frank. in Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 2008.  
Detecting Neural-State Transitions Using Hidden Markov Models for Motor Cortical Prostheses Caleb Kemere, Gopal Santhanam, Byron M. Yu, Afsheen Afshar, Stephen I. Ryu, Teresa H. Meng, Krishna V. Shenoy. Journal of Neurophysiology 2008. [LINK]   [PDF]
Signal Processing Challenges for Neural Prostheses Michael Linderman, Gopal Santhanam, Caleb Kemere, Vikash Gilja, Stephen O'Driscoll, Byron Yu, Afsheen Afshar, Stephen Ryu, Krishna Shenoy, Teresa Meng. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 2008. [LINK]   [PDF]
Mixture of Trajectory Models for Neural Decoding of Goal-Directed Movements Byron M. Yu, Caleb Kemere, Gopal Santhanam, Afsheen Afshar, Stephen I. Ryu, Teresa H. Meng, Maneesh Sahani, Krishna V. Shenoy. Journal of Neurophysiology 2007. [LINK]   [PDF]
Neurons to Silicon: Implantable Prosthesis Processor S. O'Driscoll, T. Meng, K. Shenoy, C. Kemere. in 2006 IEEE International Solid State Circuits Conference - Digest of Technical Papers 2006. [LINK]   [PDF]
Increasing the Performance of Cortically-Controlled Prostheses Krishna V. Shenoy, Teresa H. Santhanam, Stephen I. Ryu, Afsheen Afshar, Byron M. Yu, Vikash Gilja, Michael D. Linderman, Rachel S. Kalmar, John P. Cunningham, Caleb T. Kemere, Aaron P. Batista, Mark M. Churchland, Teresa H. Meng. in 2006 International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 2006. [LINK]   [PDF]
Optimal estimation of feed-foward-controlled linear systems C. Kemere, T. Meng. in Proceedings. (ICASSP '05). IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2005. 2005. [LINK]   [PDF]
Power feasibility of implantable digital spike sorting circuits for neural prosthetic systems Z.S. Zumsteg, C. Kemere, S. O'Driscoll, G. Santhanam, R.E. Ahmed, K.V. Shenoy, T.H. Meng. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 2005. [LINK]   [PDF]
Model-Based Neural Decoding of Reaching Movements: A Maximum Likelihood Approach C. Kemere, K.V. Shenoy, T.H. Meng. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 2004. [LINK]   [PDF]
Model-based decoding of reaching movements for prosthetic systems C. Kemere, G. Santhanam, B.M. Yu, S. Ryu, T. Meng, K.V. Shenoy. in The 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 2004. [LINK]   [PDF]
Robust neural decoding of reaching movements for prosthetic systems C. Kemere, M. Sahani, T. Meng. in Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE Cat. No.03CH37439) 2003. [LINK]   [PDF]
Decoding of plan and peri-movement neural signals in prosthetic systems C.T. Kemere, G. Santhanam, B.M. Yu, K.V. Shenoy, T.H. Meng. in IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems 2002. [LINK]   [PDF]

Lab Preprints

Foraging Under Uncertainty Follows the Marginal Value Theorem with Bayesian Updating of Environment Representations James Webb, Paul Steffan, Benjamin Y. Hayden, Daeyeol Lee, Caleb Kemere, Matthew McGinley. (Preprint) 2024.[LINK]
Spyglass: a framework for reproducible and shareable neuroscience research Kyu Hyun Lee, Eric L. Denovellis, Ryan Ly, Jeremy Magland, Jeff Soules, Alison E. Comrie, Daniel P. Gramling, Jennifer A. Guidera, Rhino Nevers, Philip Adenekan, Chris Brozdowski, Samuel R. Bray, Emily Monroe, Ji Hyun Bak, Michael E. Coulter, Xulu Sun, Emrey Broyles, Donghoon Shin, Sharon Chiang, Cristofer Holobetz, Andrew Tritt, Oliver Rübel, Thinh Nguyen, Dimitri Yatsenko, Joshua Chu, Caleb Kemere, Samuel Garcia, Alessio Buccino, Loren M. Frank. (Preprint) 2024.[LINK]
[Re] The Discriminative Kalman Filter for Bayesian Filtering with Nonlinear and Non-Gaussian Observation Models Josue Casco-Rodriguez, Caleb Kemere, Richard G. Baraniuk. (Preprint) 2024.[LINK]
RealtimeDecoder: A fast software module for online clusterless decoding Joshua P. Chu, Michael E. Coulter, Eric L. Denovellis, Trevor T. K. Nguyen, Daniel F. Liu, Xinyi Deng, Uri T. Eden, Caleb T. Kemere, Loren M. Frank. (Preprint) 2024.[LINK]
Retuning of hippocampal representations during sleep Kamran Diba, Kourosh Maboudi, Bapun Giri, Hiroyuki Miyawaki, Caleb Kemere. (Preprint) 2022.[LINK]
Elastomeric Harnesses Decrease Aerosol Particles Leak and Improve the Fit of Surgical Masks Jeannette Ingabire, Hannah McKenney, Charles Sebesta, Krishna Badhiwala, Ben Avants, Caleb Kemere, Sahil Kapur, Jacob T. Robinson. (Preprint) 2021.[LINK]
\textitIn vivo fluorescence imaging with a flat, lensless microscope Jesse K. Adams, Vivek Boominathan, Sibo Gao, Alex V. Rodriguez, Dong Yan, Caleb Kemere, Ashok Veeraraghavan, Jacob T. Robinson. (Preprint) 2020.[LINK]
MiniFAST: A sensitive and fast miniaturized microscope for \textitin vivo neural recording Jill Juneau, Guillaume Duret, Joshua P. Chu, Alexander V. Rodriguez, Savva Morozov, Daniel Aharoni, Jacob T. Robinson, François St-Pierre, Caleb Kemere. (Preprint) 2020.[LINK]
Unsupervised Clusterless Decoding using a Switching Poisson Hidden Markov Model Etienne Ackermann, Caleb T. Kemere, John P. Cunningham. (Preprint) 2019.[LINK]
Uncovering temporal structure in hippocampal output patterns Koroush Maboudi, Etienne Ackermann, Brad E Pfeiffer, David J Foster, Kamran Diba, Caleb Kemere. (Preprint) 2018.[LINK]